Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Spotty wants to get in on the fun - literally!

Another fun day with Mr Mav - but I am feeling bad that Spotty is getting neglected.  He is being such a good big brother while Mr Mav is learning.  I have been sick since Sunday - and the two of them have been amazing considering that I haven't had the energy to really play with them.  So we've been doing short sessions followed by naps - for everyone :)

Spotty loves when Mr Mav makes a mistake because then he gets the cookie :)

Getting ready for our trip to Calgary - what a cute toosh!

Practicing crate games - we do this EVERY time I open his crate or ex-pen.
Hand on the door and Mr Mav sits.

 I open the door and Mr Mav stays still until he gets his release command.
This is when I usually put his leash on - and yes  - he stays still while I do this.

And he gets the command - "BREAK"
Out of the crate he comes!
This is how I feed him - he'll be waiting in his crate - in a perfect sit - with his bowl of food in front of him.  When he hears the magic word, "Break" he dashes for his food.  

And as Mr Mav was eating - this is what I saw in his crate - 

 Spotty - you crack me up!

1 comment:

Candy Powell said...

We are so enjoying your blog.

Candy and Grace(used to be Johnnie) in Texas